Posts by secure_admin

Causes of Leaning Walls and Repairs

»Posted by on Sep 26, 2019 in Foundation Repair | 0 comments

Unfortunately, most homeowners really have to face the bowing or leaning walls at any given time. Even though there are only a few various ways which the walls may start to lean or bow, the usual cause is actually, the foundation settling. As a matter of fact, the integrity of the structure starts with the foundation and the moment the foundation starts to shift, the next thing to move are the walls. The hazard with bowing walls is that plenty of wall movements of your house will cause other structures of your house to shift.  

The roof atop the walls won’t stay in place the moment your walls start to shift. In addition to that, when the walls start to bow or lean, the cracks will most likely form, resulting to the water eventually penetrating your walls from the outside. Furthermore, these cracks may spread from the walls to the other areas of your home as well. That is why when you recognize any structural damages to your walls, the best way in order to avoid further damage is by getting a professional and expert foundation repair Tampa FL service provider. 

Causes of Bowing or Leaning Walls 

The primary cause of leaning or bowing walls is the pressure. The excess pressure may come from the shifting of your foundation or having too much weight or load on top of your house which your home’s walls can no longer support. The foundation damage may also be a result of a lot of factors such as your home’s age, poor water runoff, roots from trees nearby, excess moisture in the ground surrounding your house. Whatever the real cause may be, it is very essential to determine and fix the issue as soon as possible before further damages occur. A certified and reputable foundation repair service provider will be able to determine the main cause of bowing or leaning walls as well as fix the damages, present and the future. 

 Fixing Leaning or Bowing Walls 

As a matter of fact, there are some ways which a leaning or bowing wall could be fixed. No matter what the strategy, the major key to fixing bowing or leaning walls is by applying counter pressure. The wall anchors may be utilized for underground, bowing walls, since they hold into the soil around the walls in order to fully stabilize them. Aside from that, the plate is connected to the inside area of your walls, then tightened slowly so the walls move back into the original position. The helical piers, on the other hand, may be utilized to fix the outside of your walls by relieving pressure as well as providing support on your home’s foundation. In addition to that, the helical piers are being screwed properly into the surface and afterwards, used in lifting your foundation back to its original position.  

Likewise, the push piers may also provide support to your foundation through relieving some pressures when shifts occur. To finish the process of repair, we transfer your foundation to the specifically intended place and apply counter pressure to the bowing or leaning walls. Once the pier or anchor is in position to give support, then you can now be relieved that the walls of your house will no longer lean or bow ever again. 


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